Commitment to actively blog

Well, it’s obviously been quite some time since this blog has been update despite our best intentions.  We’ve been busy building and have been remiss in keeping up with things like this so we’re saying “out loud” to whoever might be “listening” that we’re committing to regularly update this blog.  

We will be posting all sorts of things from little details about projects, inspirations, noteworthy articles and also some entertainment along the way.  

So today’s post is about the fun in life.  I discovered, while visiting family in Oregon, the Solostove and had to have one.  It’s an amazing backyard, camping, anywhere fire pit/stove that is fun to use (including roasting marshmallows, hotdogs, etc) and produces an impressive amount of heat while producing a very low level of smoke (because of it’s design).  Fantastic addition to any backyard, camping kit, patio and a great way to unplug and bring people together.  

Here’s to more time around the fire enjoying the good things life has to offer…

Mediterraneo Builders